Friday, August 19, 2011

Jack and Maggie Training.....

Though I think we ALL prefer just camping in the woods, sometimes we go to shows also and let Maggie and Jack strut their stuff.  They haven't done anything spectacular according to the judges but they are spectacular none the less!!  And Jack does try to jump up on them and give kisses when they walk by...but it's frowned upon, go figure!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Still learning....

So day 2 was mucho better, as I said before we found a nice county park and the dogs all got to eat and have a good run.  Howie, Maggie and Jack weren't fond of their "alone time", but survived.

By now I've learned that Jack has to be tied to the passenger seat so he is the resident co-pilot and definitely not happy about it.  I put a board up to separate the front of the motor home from the back so that the little guys could have the run of the back.  That lasted about 3 mins until Jack learned he could climb up the handles on the drawers in the kitchen and hop over the counter.  Oh well, the best laid plans....
There was hardly any traffic going through Pasadena, which was surprising.  I kept putting off getting gas thinking I'd pass a truck stop but HELLO...welcome to So Cal!  In Glendale I finally got off the freeway and discovered they eat a lot there but no one gets gas.  Finally found one and had to do some serious maneuvering to get in and out (n/b traffic had to stop while I backed up and pulled forward again because I couldn't make the turn onto the street!!)and we were on our way again.  All the streets sounded familiar but nothing look anything like I remembered.   This is where I grew up?  Luckily, Vernon JR HS is still in existence so I had a marker to make a left turn, from there reflex took over.  Straight, right, follow it around.  It was a strange feelling.  I was glad to see that most of the houses looked really good, people had remodeled and fixed up their homes and the entire neighborhood was actually awesome.

Lesson learned day #2:  Absolutely nothing can compare to a good friend.

The rest of the trip was pretty much just stress with no pictures so we'll fast forward to...we made it home!
 Ready for the next one!